Cash Register Super Store Your source for Sharp Cash Registers and SAM4s Cash Registers 1-800-863-2274
Display Up to 200 Operator Screens with 24-Items per Screen The color touch screen can be
configured to guide the operator through choices of flavors, toppings, condiments, and instructions. If
you sell a combo meal, a screen or series of screens can display to reflect the combo choices. If the
item requires condiments or instructions, the screen can lead your operator through options
and additional choices.
Color Touch Screen The adjustable 7" color touch screen features up to 24 key positions per screen.
The SPS-520f boast a 7" Color Touch Screen which Improves Order Entry Accuracy Unlike a Cash
Register that may display only the last item entered, the SPS-500 displays the entire order, allowing
your operator to confirm the order and then refer to the display as they fill it.
SAM4s SPS-520f Color Touch Screen Information