Cash Register Super Store
Your source for Sharp Cash Registers and SAM4s Cash Registers
SAM4s Cash Registers
Samsung Cash Registers
A wonderful of the SAM4s SPS-520R is that the memory can be expanded in the field even after being
installed and in use for any amount of time. Not only can the memory of the SPS-520R be upgraded at
any time it can also be done by the end-user without having to open the cash register cabinet.

Even thought the SAM4s SPS-500RT series of cash register come with 2MB of memory right out of the
box it can be expanded to a full 8MB with the installation of a 6MB CF card made just for the SAM4s
SPS-500 series.

Expanding the memory allows you to increase many of the useful features of the SPS-500 series like
the number of menu items or UPC's, the number of servers/cashiers, more guest checks, and many
other things.

This is another reason the SAM4s SPS-500 series is such a popular cash register pos system.
SAM4s SPS-520R Memory Expansion