Cash Register Super Store Your source for Sharp Cash Registers and SAM4s Cash Registers 1-800-863-2274
When you select a Sharp Cash Register or SAM4s Cash Register from us you can take advantage of our special offer from Mercury
Payment Systems for a NO UPFRONT COST Datacap Twin Tran Cash Register to Credit Card Interface. This Interface seamlessly
integrates your credit card payments with you cash register. Integrated Credit Card Payment with your Cash Register will speed up your
transactions while making them more accurate and secure! You will have less errors then before while eliminating much of the fraud
associated with credit card payments
Mercury Payment Systems can provide you with a Twin Tran device with NO UPFRONT COST and only $12.50 per month including FREE
CREDIT CARD INTERFACE support from us and a lifetime warranty of the Twin Tran while processing with Mercury Payment Systems.
Mercury Payment System also offers you a FREE GIFT CARD Program. That's right you will be able to sell and redeem your own
private label gift cards for no transaction fee, no discount fee and the first 100 cards are free! Take advantage of the booming Gift Card
Market at no cost to you and increase your CASH FLOW!
For more information on this FREE CREDIT CARD INTERFACE AND GIFT CARD INTERFACE please call us at 1-800-863-2274
The Datacap TWIN TRAN offers Integrated HIGH SPEED CREDIT CARD TRANSACTIONS with a dial up built in for back up in case of inter-net loss!
There are two ways to get a Datacap Device for your cash register. Mercury Payments offers a no up front
cost solution for a Datacap device when you sign up with them for your merchant processing or you can buy
your own Datacap device and go with any merchant processing company you would like. Below you will find
links to both options