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Sharp ER-A242 Cash Register
Options, Supplies, and Accessories for the Sharp ER-A242
Commercial Sharp Cash Registers
Commercial Sharp Cash Registers
Use your Sharp ER-A242 Cash Register immediately with the FREE Easy Programming
Tool software. This interactive software enables fast and easy setup, programming,
customizing, and reporting from your computer with simple step-by-step instructions.
Other features of the Sharp ER-A242 Cash Register include:
- Integrated high-speed, drop-in loading
thermal printer
- Heavy-duty locking cash drawer w/
removable 5 bill / 5 coin tray
- Raised wide-key layout and larger
frequently used keys
- Two large displays, one operator, one
adjustable customer
- PC communication cable included
- Journal spool take-up reel included
- 16 direct departments, 25 clerk numbers
and 1200 Price Look-Ups (PLU's)
- Error correct, void, sub-total void and
cancel transaction
- Automatic tax system allows up to 4 tax
- Three tender keys (cash, check and
- Multi-language function - English,
Spanish or French
- Electronic journal with compression
- Training mode by clerk
- Receipt on demand