Cash Register Super Store
Your source for Sharp Cash Registers and SAM4s Cash Registers
PC Poll Cash Register Reporting and Programming Software
PC Poll Version 7
PC/Poll is polling and programming software that helps businesses of all sizes -- from mom and pop shops to
franchisees with hundreds of locations -- collect and utilize information from SAM4s and Sharp electronic
cash registers (ECRs).

PC Poll v7 Polling contains many enhanced features, including:

Checkbox style communication selections allow the user to quickly multi-select programs to save, to send or
reports to poll.
  • Create scripts, schedules and set up the calendar for automatic polling options.
  • User defined classes allow for quick sorting and searching options, along with optional software
  • The All Polls grid stores previously taken reports for later printing, viewing and exporting.  Users can
    also easily generate graphs based upon report data.
  • Quickly revisit recently used maintenance area programs.
  • Mass update allows users to update and edit many items simultaneously.
  • Mass create tool can rapidly generate hundreds of items.
  • The PLU Sale area offers the user flexibility to design their own product sales.
  • Barcode printing to Avery brand labels and barcode printers.

Supported Cash Registers of v7 Polling:
  • CASIO:  TE3000/TE4500, TE7000/TE8500, QT6000/QT6100/QT6600
  • SAM4s:  285, 520/530, 650, 1000, 52xxM, 2000, 7000/7040
  • Sharp:  410/420, 520/530, 600/700, 810/820, 3500
  • Toshiba TEC America:  1595, 1650

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